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Sunday, 15 January 2012

5 reasons this was a good week

1.  I got a distinction in a group asignment!  Yippppeee! (and thank goodness for clever colleagues)
2.  I got my first written assignment finished - and with enough time to get a full nights sleep before having to hand it in!
3.  The eldest Fairy Princess can skip!!  and has moved up a ballet class - Which means we get an extra half an hour in bed on saturday mornings pretending we are asleep and don't have two cheeky monkeys bouncing on the bed!
4.  I finally went to a meditation class and sooo enjoyed it - so calming and relaxing.
5.  I rashly signed up to ten weeks of running!!  - First session on Thursday (it seemed like SUCH a good idea at 10pm after a couple of glasses of wine!)

Fairy Princess Mummy

1 comment:

  1. Hello FairyMummy, I'm looking fwd to seeing you at some point in the not too distant future!
    I saw this pinterest and I thought of all the fun things we could do with the FPs...
    love xx
